Monday 23 September 2013

Challenge 122.......

Morning to you all, hope you have had a lovely warm and relaxing weekend, well parts of England were basking in warm sunshine so I hope the sun was shining where you lived.

On to this fortnights challenge
but before that lets pick a winner from the last challenge,
thats you No 50...... Viera
such a pretty vintage card, please contact Daniele
to arrange your prize for you.
£10 voucher from  Live and Love Crafts.
Just a reminder we still have an unclaimed prize from the previous challenge.

Now onto our  new challenge 
we have two sponsers for this lucky are we

you can rotate the sketch if you wish

£10 one luck winner gets spend
to spend 

$10another lucky winner gets  

Optional theme....Birthdays

Now lets see what the team came up with to inspire you


image from Inky Impressions

image from Inky Impressions

image from Inky Impressions

image from Inky Impressions


sammi said...

Can we see the actual sketch, please? It's not in the post. Thanks!

Karen P said...

TFS gorgeous DT creations and thanks for a great challenge and sketch too hugs Karen

nancyparker55 said...

Thanks for a great challenge. Got to use my wooden birds [finally, lol] and my new leave die!

Shazza said...

wonderful work from the Dt x

Carla S. said...

Wonderful projects from the DT! Thanks for another fun sketch!